For more information and sales enquiries, please contact Mat directly:
Mat Clum was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1962. He studied philosophy and art and holds a degree in fine arts and design. He worked in the design industry in New York City for 15 years and has lived and painted in London, England since the beginning of the new century.
Following the UK and US elections in 2016, Mat founded Tickbird&Rhino, ltd., an organisation dedicated to bringing creative people* together to figure out better, more productive ways of engaging with each other - with a focus on making the creative voice central to the conversation. Tickbird&Rhino social events, salons, collaborations and other presentations provide a lively and engaging environment where people learn what others have to offer, in languages everyone can understand. If you need to find Mat, that's where he's at. Check it out. *meaning: everybody. If you're human, you're creative. And if you're creative you have something important to offer others. And if you have something important to offer, you need a place to offer it. Tickbird&Rhino is that place. |